Days get longer and sometimes even the sun shows up on the sky accidentally. But at latest by seeing our list of participants for #CarsInCorse spring fever breaks out:
Along with the usual suspects with center-of-gravity-optimized flat engines in the front, in the back or at the correct spot, steady four-cylinder-turbos from Cologne and Ingolstadt and our good old rotary-engine-monster from the far east we are looking forward to one or the other surprise and can finally welcome a growling supercharged JAAAG of Type F for the first time.
Hotels and ferries are booked and all details will arrive at the participants soon.
For those being a bit late in decision making we still have two spots left for the tour from May 19 to 25 (if you are interested just drop a mail to to get to know late-bird prices etc).
For end of April we are planning the first ever RaVys regulars’ table in history to get to know each other and to join in the tour. We invite all family members and those who want to become part of the family to an evening of meaningful conversation about mobility in general! Also here we’ll have more details soon.
Talking about family: in roughly eighteen years we’ll have another Cupra-Curve-Guru by birth joining, which unfortunately means that the current Cupra-Curve-Guru himself Kamil won’t lead us along Corse. We congratulate and will have Cologne Porz in mind everytime we’ll be switching drive modes.
In this spirit, stay fast and clean and have fun driving!